Learning Center/Healthy Reads/David Younkins, Certified Health Coach

David Younkins, Certified Health Coach

As a certified health coach at PartnerMD in Richmond, VA, David Younkins's passion is understanding how the relationship between your body’s systems and processes affects your feelings. He enjoys seeing how you improve your life in many dimensions, beginning with small changes in your behavior by creating a professional friendship.

Lifestyle & Wellness | Facebook Live Recap

Why Not All Calories Are Created Equal

July 21st, 2022|5 min read

Lifestyle & Wellness | School of Metabolic Health | Wellness

4 Summer Vegetables to Add to Your Diet

May 12th, 2022|5 min read

Lifestyle & Wellness | Concierge Medicine | Wellness

David Younkins: Why Am I A Health Coach?

May 5th, 2022|2 min read