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3 Myths About Concierge Medicine Practices for Patients

August 21st, 2023 | 2 min. read

By Janet Kiss, Membership

Female patient happily chatting with doctor

The demand for concierge medicine continues to grow as the traditional primary care system becomes more crowded. 

As a leading concierge medicine practice since 2003, we talk to patients all the time about why they are dissatisfied with their current experience and why they are looking to find a new primary care physician.

And as the concierge care model has grown, some myths have formed that may cause confusion for those considering a switch in their primary care.

Take a look at the following three misconceptions about concierge medicine and the reality behind how this medical model could benefit you.

Myth No. 1: Concierge medicine is only for the wealthy.

Many people hear about concierge medicine and think "That's for wealthy people." And at one point in time, that was true.

Concierge medicine started in Seattle in 1996 when two physicians started charging patients $25,000, so they could provide the same level of care they had provided to the NBA's Seattle Supersonics. 

Today, we'd call that VIP Medicine or Luxury Medicine

As concierge medicine has grown, the cost has become more affordable. Today, the cost of concierge medicine is usually somewhere between $2,000-$3,500 per year.

Concierge practices do treat wealthy individuals, don't get us wrong. But they also have plenty of patients who are not people you would consider “wealthy.” Concierge medicine patients are commonly patients and families who understand the value of investing in their health.

The investment pays off in the form of more convenient, personalized health care and a closer relationship with the right concierge medicine physician. You also get a more proactive approach to your health and an all-around less stressful experience.

Younger male patient talking with concierge doctor.

Myth No. 2: Concierge medicine isn’t for healthy people.

The reality is that concierge medicine does benefit those who are healthy. This includes busy professionals, mothers, and children

Not only is it an investment in preventative care and comprehensive health, but it's also a partnership with a physician who puts your needs first.

Concierge medicine extends beyond medical health. Along with a closer and deeper relationship with a physician, patients also receive the benefit of a team of wellness professionals. They help you work toward personalized health goals and make any necessary lifestyle changes to help you continue living at your optimal health. 

It is important to remember that a lack of illness is not the only indicator of good health. A concierge physician has the time to dig deeper into your family and medical history to help you identify risk factors that could cause problems down the road. They then help you form a plan to reduce your risk.

Myth No. 3: Concierge medicine is only for the elderly.

The truth is that concierge medicine helps patients achieve their best health at any age. As people age, they may need more medical care, and concierge physicians do have more time to focus on each patient. It's also true that concierge medicine can be beneficial for caretakers

But age doesn’t define medical needs.

At the core of concierge medicine is personalized health. The healthcare you receive is individualized to meet your unique health goals, no matter your age.

Your physician will discuss your lifestyle habits such as exercise, work, and diet. Then, they help align your current routine with best practices and give you the necessary tools to improve your health.

In fact, being proactive about your health by joining a concierge practice when you are young may be more beneficial in the long run, because lifestyle changes and risk reduction can have a more significant impact when initiated earlier.

Young male patient talking with physician.

The Truth About Concierge Medicine

Concierge medicine is a care model that gives physicians and patients more time together to form a deeper, meaningful relationship.

Because concierge physicians take on fewer patients, they have the ability to offer their patients conveniences beyond the benefits of traditional primary care, including:

  • Same- or next-day sick appointments
  • 24/7 access
  • Little to no waiting in the lobby or exam room
  • 30 minutes of unrushed time with your physician
  • A team that helps you navigate the sometimes complex healthcare landscape

Anyone can benefit from a more personalized and attentive approach to health care. 

If you are ready to learn more about how concierge medicine can work for you, download our free eBook.

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Janet Kiss, Membership

As a Membership Expert at PartnerMD, Janet Kiss has years of experience in concierge medicine. She guides you through the membership process, ensuring you understand and maximize the benefits of personalized care.