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2 Steps to Turn Executive Physicals into Executive Health

November 14th, 2022 | 3 min. read

By Alicia King, Executive Health

Executive meeting with physician about executive health

Executive physicals are increasingly popular at companies of all sizes. And for good reason. Companies know how valuable their top employees are and are willing to invest the resources to protect them — both from potential health risks and the possibility of getting poached by a competitor.

One of the biggest reasons companies add executive physicals is to reduce their key person risk.

But more and more companies are also looking to expand beyond executive physicals. They want to get their best employees not just a once-a-year physical, but a year-round healthcare experience that keeps them at their best.

So, how do you turn your executive physical program into an executive health program? As an executive health provider since 2003, we’ve helped numerous companies do just that. Here’s our advice.

1. Start with the executive physical.

Start with the basics. The foundation of an executive health program is still going to be the executive physical.

These more advanced physicals include screenings and tests that go beyond what health insurance normally covers to allow your most important people to identify their risk factors, hopefully before symptoms occur, and track their progress year over year. It’s the piece of executive health that’s been around the longest and for good reason.

For your executive health program, the annual executive physical exam is a prerequisite. There is no executive health program without it.

And this is where many companies are today. Some have had their executive physical program in place for years, maybe at a place like the Mayo Clinic or with their regional health system.

But now, after a year of uncertainty, stress, and elevated risk, you’ve decided it’s time for your company to go even further.

Male physician discussing test results with a female patient after executive physical

2. Add concierge primary care and wellness for comprehensive care throughout the year.

With executive physicals, you send your top employees to get the most in-depth physical of their lives every year. Afterward, they return to the office and get back to work.

They probably work hard for you, too, pulling long hours each week for the betterment of your company, but probably not their health.

A recent study by the World Health Organization indicated that working 55 hours or more a week was associated with a 35% higher risk of stroke and a 17% higher risk of dying from heart disease. If you’ve got employees working long hours for your company, it’s time to think about their long-term health.

If their annual executive physical exam revealed they had some heart concerns or were developing some stress-related issue, do they act on it afterward? Or do they just wait until the next physical to see if it’s progressed any further?

We think of an executive physical as a roadmap to lifelong health. But everyone needs help to get there.

That’s where turning your executive physical program into a full-fledged executive health program can pay dividends.

Do your most important employees have someone helping them improve their health throughout the year? Do they even have a relationship with a primary care doctor? It’s estimated that 25% of people in the United States do not have a PCP.

When it comes to adding primary care and wellness to your executive health program, you’re going to need to look at either concierge medicine practices or larger hospitals that also have concierge practices.

The concierge model is an ideal fit for executive health. It removes the hassles of the traditional primary care experience – the long waits in a lobby or exam room, the inability to get an appointment in a timely manner, and the lack of reliable after-hours care.

For your company’s top employees, who manage a busy life both at the office and at home, the convenience of concierge primary care can be well worth it, both for their health and your company’s productivity.

Physician chatting with business executive patient

Executive Health: More than just a physical.

Executive physicals are important, and making them just one piece of a broader executive health program can be highly valuable.

They can help your company stand out. They can protect your top employees. They can help improve productivity. We frequently help companies explore their options for several situations, such as:

  • Adding concierge care to a long-running executive physical program.
  • Selecting a second (or third) executive health provider to give their employees more options.
  • Implement an executive physical or executive health program for the first time.

If you’re looking into executive physicals and executive health, we’re happy to help. Read more about our executive health services on our website, and fill out one of the forms to start the conversation.

executive health custom proposal

Alicia King, Executive Health

As the Executive Health Program Manager at PartnerMD, Alicia King brings extensive experience in managing comprehensive health programs for executives. She is dedicated to delivering top-tier personalized healthcare services tailored to the unique needs of business leaders. Alicia’s expertise in coordinating executive physicals and year-round concierge medicine memberships ensures you receive the highest quality care.